Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal Acknowledges Error in Sharing Dhruv Rathee’s Video: Latest Update

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By Umesh Sharma

Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal Acknowledges Error in Sharing Dhruv Rathee’s Video: Latest Update

In today’s digital age, the influence of social media on public opinion cannot be overstated. Recent events have brought to light the significant impact that social media platforms wield, especially when it comes to political discourse. In a recent development, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal found himself in the spotlight for acknowledging a mistake he made concerning a video shared on social media. Let’s delve into the details of this incident and its broader implications.

Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal Acknowledges Error in Sharing Dhruv Rathee’s Video: Latest Update

Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal Acknowledges Error in Sharing Dhruv Rathee’s Video: Latest Update


Acknowledging Mistakes: Arvind Kejriwal’s Admission

In a recent hearing at the Supreme Court, Arvind Kejriwal made a startling admission regarding a video he had shared on Twitter back in 2018. The video in question was originally posted by Dhruv Rathee, a prominent social media influencer known for his commentary on political and social issues. Kejriwal admitted that retweeting this particular video was an error on his part.

Allegations of Misinformation: Vikas sankrityayan’s Plea

The admission from Kejriwal came in response to a plea filed by Vikas Sankrityayan. Sankrityayan alleged that the video shared by Dhruv Rathee contained false information about the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). By retweeting the video, Kejriwal inadvertently amplified its reach, thus lending credibility to the claims made within it. Sankrityayan argued that this was a deliberate attempt to spread misinformation and tarnish the image of the BJP.

Regret and Responsibility: Kejriwal’s Response

During the hearing, Arvind Kejriwal regretted his actions and accepted responsibility for the consequences. He clarified that he had not verified the content of the video before sharing it and emphasized that his intent was not to spread falsehoods or defame any political party. Kejriwal’s admission highlights the importance of exercising caution and due diligence, especially for individuals in positions of authority.

Social Media Influence and Accountability

This incident reignites the debate surrounding the role of social media influencers and political leaders in shaping public opinion. It underscores the need for greater accountability and responsibility in the use of social media platforms. While social media can be a powerful tool for communication and advocacy, it also carries the responsibility of ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the information shared.

Examination by the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is now tasked with examining the legal implications of Kejriwal’s retweet. This case has far-reaching implications and could set a precedent regarding the accountability of political leaders for their actions on social media. The court’s decision will undoubtedly shape future discourse on the responsibilities of public figures in the digital age.

Power and Responsibility of Social Media

The incident involving Arvind Kejriwal and Dhruv Rathee underscores the immense power and influence of social media platforms. It serves as a reminder of the need for responsible use and ethical considerations when engaging with online content. Users, regardless of their status or influence, must exercise caution and diligence to ensure that they do not contribute to the spread of misinformation.

Promoting Vigilance and Fact-Checking

In an era characterized by the rapid dissemination of information, promoting vigilance and fact-checking is paramount. Users should cultivate a healthy skepticism towards online content and verify the credibility of sources before sharing information. By doing so, we can collectively combat the proliferation of misinformation and uphold the integrity of public discourse.

Upholding Truth and Accountability

Public figures, including political leaders, bear a significant responsibility to uphold the truth and act in the public’s best interest. Acknowledging and rectifying mistakes is essential for maintaining trust and credibility. In the digital age, where information spreads rapidly, accountability becomes crucial in preserving the integrity of public discourse.

Conclusion: A Call for Responsible Use of Social Media

Arvind Kejriwal’s admission of his mistake serves as a poignant reminder of the challenges posed by social media in today’s society. It underscores the need for a collective effort to promote responsible and ethical use of these platforms. As we navigate the complex landscape of digital communication, we must prioritize truth, accountability, and integrity in our interactions online.


  1. Is social media responsible for spreading misinformation? Social media platforms can facilitate the spread of misinformation, but the responsibility ultimately lies with the users who share and engage with content.
  2. How can individuals combat misinformation online? By practicing skepticism, fact-checking information before sharing, and promoting credible sources, individuals can play a crucial role in combating misinformation.
  3. What role do political leaders play in shaping public opinion on social media? Political leaders have significant influence on social media and must exercise caution and responsibility in their online interactions to avoid spreading misinformation.
  4. Why is fact-checking important in the digital age? Fact-checking helps ensure the accuracy and integrity of information shared online, combating the spread of misinformation and preserving the credibility of public discourse.
  5. What are the potential consequences of spreading misinformation online? Spreading misinformation can have far-reaching consequences, including undermining trust in institutions, exacerbating social divisions, and influencing public perceptions and decision-making processes.

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