Getting IAS Officers to Centre, to Sending Them Back as Chief Secretary — How Modi 2.0 Is Different from 1.0

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By Umesh Sharma

Getting IAS Officers to Centre, to Sending Them Back as Chief Secretary — How Modi 2.0 Is Different from 1.0-In May 2019, Narendra Modi was sworn in as the Prime Minister of India for the second consecutive term. With the beginning of Modi 2.0, there have been several notable changes in the functioning of the government, including the role and movement of IAS officers. This article explores how Modi 2.0 is different from its predecessor in terms of the involvement and deployment of IAS officers.

Getting IAS Officers to Centre, to Sending Them Back as Chief Secretary — How Modi 2.0 Is Different from 1.0

Getting IAS Officers to Centre, to Sending Them Back as Chief Secretary — How Modi 2.0 Is Different from 1.0

1. Focus on Centralization

One of the key differences in Modi 2.0 is the emphasis on centralization. The government has been actively bringing IAS officers to the Centre, assigning them important roles in various ministries and departments. This move aims to streamline decision-making processes and ensure effective implementation of policies at the national level.

IAS officers, known for their administrative expertise, are being deployed in key positions to bring efficiency and effectiveness to the functioning of the government. Their presence in the Centre allows for better coordination between different departments and facilitates the smooth execution of government initiatives.

2. Utilizing Experience and Expertise

Modi 2.0 recognizes the importance of utilizing the experience and expertise of IAS officers. The government has been actively involving retired IAS officers in advisory roles, seeking their guidance and insights on various policy matters. This approach allows for the utilization of the vast knowledge and understanding these officers have gained throughout their careers.

By leveraging the experience of retired IAS officers, the government can benefit from their valuable insights and perspectives. This collaborative approach ensures that policies and decisions are well-informed, taking into account the practical challenges and implications on the ground.

3. Promoting State-Central Synergy

While centralization has been a focus, Modi 2.0 also recognizes the importance of state-central synergy. The government has been actively encouraging IAS officers to return to their respective states as Chief Secretaries. This move aims to strengthen the coordination between the central and state governments, ensuring effective implementation of policies and programs.

By having IAS officers serve as Chief Secretaries, the government can bridge the gap between the centre and the states. This enables a better understanding of the ground realities and ensures that state-specific challenges are addressed effectively. It also promotes a collaborative approach between the central and state governments, fostering a more inclusive and participatory governance model.

4. Enhancing Accountability and Performance

Modi 2.0 has also introduced measures to enhance the accountability and performance of IAS officers. The government has implemented a system of 360-degree appraisal, which evaluates the performance of officers based on feedback from various stakeholders, including colleagues, subordinates, and the public.

This performance evaluation system aims to ensure transparency and fairness in the appraisal process. It encourages IAS officers to deliver results and fosters a culture of accountability within the bureaucracy. By recognizing and rewarding high-performing officers, the government aims to motivate and inspire others to excel in their roles.

5. Embracing Technology and Innovation

Modi 2.0 has also embraced technology and innovation to transform governance. The government has been actively promoting the use of digital platforms and tools to streamline administrative processes and improve service delivery.

IAS officers are at the forefront of driving this digital transformation. Their expertise in leveraging technology enables the government to implement e-governance initiatives, enhance transparency, and provide citizen-centric services. This focus on technology-driven governance ensures efficiency, accountability, and accessibility for all.

In conclusion, Modi 2.0 brings a fresh approach to the involvement and deployment of IAS officers. With a focus on centralization, utilization of experience, state-central synergy, enhanced accountability, and embracing technology, the government aims to create a more efficient and responsive bureaucracy. These changes reflect the government’s commitment to effective governance and inclusive development.

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