3 Powerful Questions to Ask Your Boss for a Well-Deserved Promotion

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By Umesh Sharma

3 Powerful Questions to Ask Your Boss for a Well-Deserved Promotion-Securing a promotion requires more than just showcasing your achievements; it involves strategic questioning. Delving into the power of asking the right questions, Laura Ashley-Timms, COO of Notion, sheds light on three impactful queries that can propel you toward that coveted title bump.

3 Powerful Questions to Ask Your Boss for a Well-Deserved Promotion

3 Powerful Questions to Ask Your Boss for a Well-Deserved Promotion

Navigating the Path to Promotion: Asking Powerful Questions for Career Advancement

Why Questions Matter

Understanding the importance of steering your career in the right direction, Ashley-Timms emphasizes the need for thoughtful inquiries. Instead of demanding promotions, the focus shifts to exploring avenues for personal development and demonstrating an active interest in climbing the professional ladder.

Building Strong Relationships

1. “What would a good relationship between us look like for you?”

Forming robust connections at work, especially with your boss, is crucial for career advancement. By asking about the ideal working relationship, you initiate a dialogue that can unveil areas of improvement, set expectations, and build a foundation of trust – essential elements when aiming for a promotion.

Easing Your Boss’s Workload

2. “What’s on your work stack that you can begin to give to me?”

Winning your boss’s favor involves more than just showcasing your capabilities; it’s about making their job easier. Offering to take on additional tasks not only lightens their load but also showcases your readiness for a more challenging role. This question is a win-win, demonstrating your willingness to contribute while opening doors for career progression.

Crafting the Right Questions

3. “What would you need to see to put me forward for promotion?”

The art of framing questions is crucial. Shifting from ‘why’ to ‘what’ transforms the conversation from demanding to constructive. By exploring what criteria your boss envisions for your promotion, you open avenues for discussing your strengths, and areas of improvement, and collaboratively creating an action plan for the future.


In the pursuit of a promotion, the role of strategic questioning cannot be overstated. Instead of simply touting your accomplishments, engage in conversations that demonstrate your commitment to growth, willingness to contribute, and openness to constructive feedback. By incorporating these powerful questions into your discussions, you set the stage for a meaningful dialogue that can pave the way for your well-deserved advancement.


  1. How often should I discuss my desire for a promotion with my boss?
    • It’s essential to find the right balance. Aim for periodic discussions, perhaps during performance reviews or when you’ve achieved significant milestones.
  2. What if my boss seems unreceptive to these questions?
    • If met with resistance, approach the conversation with a collaborative mindset. Seek to understand their perspective and be open to adjustments based on their feedback.
  3. Can these questions be used in any industry or job role?
    • Yes, the fundamental principles apply universally. Tailor the questions to suit the specifics of your role and industry.
  4. Is it advisable to discuss personal career goals during these conversations?
    • Absolutely. Sharing your career aspirations demonstrates your commitment to growth and aligns your goals with the organization’s objectives.
  5. How long should I wait after asking these questions to expect a promotion?
    • The timeline varies, but use the insights gained from these questions to collaboratively set goals and expectations for your progression.
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